ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan's Message

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Dear colleagues and students,

The 2020 year is coming to an end. It began hard and tragically, bringing suffering and catastrophe to humanity and the Earth. For the Armenian people, this year has become a year of hardest trials, a year of heroism and loss. Many spheres were paralyzed, including the sphere of education, new realities challenged us, it was necessary to urgently look for solutions to problems and immediately put them into practice.

The beginning of the year was “marked” by the spread of coronavirus, and already in March, in order to ensure the continuity of the educational process, educational institutions of the republic made a transition to a new distance learning format. Ensuring an adequate level of education is itself a labor-intensive process that requires united and concerted efforts, and the new realities required urgent action using modern information and communication technologies. Thanks to the joint efforts of the Leadership, Faculty and students of our University, we managed to organize and freely implement the educational process, following academic principles and values. As a result, both in the undergraduate, and in Master’s degree, and in the postgraduate study of full-time and part-time forms of study, the usual educational process and the organization of exams, final certification and admission process were ensured.

The pandemic left its mark: we lost our dear colleagues, respected scientists and educators, who were still full of energy and ideas.

The war imposed on the Armenian people has become a new test for all of us. It took away our best students, many were injured, most continue to serve today. And today, trying to calm pain and sorrow, we try to live on, work and look ahead. It is a well-known truth that only through work can one continue to live, overcome the heavy burden of losses and maintain optimism. Yes, labor creates benefits, in the process of work we find consolation, we try to get rid of bad thoughts and change reality.

Today, as never before, we need unity and harmony, tolerance for each other, mutual assistance.

The University environment is a forge of education and science, light and spirituality are born here, and we, responsibles of education, have no right to retreat, to relax, moreover, we must become bearers of light and hope, inspire the young generation, rethink the role of education, we must help them become highly qualified and competitive specialists.

Without a doubt, everyone in our University is an adherent of this principle. We believe that through the joint efforts of our wonderful team and wonderful students, with our united and effective work, we will contribute to the resurrection of our people, a new time will come when wounds will heal, there will be light, good and love will triumph.

Dear colleagues and students,

May the New Year become fateful for all of us, may it be marked by peace, creative work and harmony, the achievement of new heights and academic success.

Faith, hope and love for your families!

Diana Galoyan
Rector of ASUE