TV Presenter Hrachuhi Utmazyan at ASUE: "Stable Women at ASUE" - a Series of Events Has Launched

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Today, ASUE Student Council started a series of meetings – “Stable Women at ASUE”, within the frames of the women month, and TV presenter Hrachuhi Utmazyna was the first to be hosted at ASUE. The meeting entitled “Success Formula” was attended by SC members, students of different Departments.

The TV presenter’s speech was a sincere message to young people about not to be upset when facing difficulties while achieving success, setting goals, doing business, dedication, self-awareness and self-development.

"Be honest in life, even on stage, and only then your listeners will become your friends"; Hrachuhi Utmazyan urged young people to be always sincere and natural. From inspiration to small and big failures, learning, reading, discovering the new and interesting, “keeping the hand on the World's pulse”, never being disappointed, giving up dreams, relying on her own potential, the guest tried to present students not only important episodes of her career, but her formula for achieving success based on sincerity and persistent work.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division