“I had the opportunity to present my homeland to the foreign leader in the best way”: Albert Hayrapetyan

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Lecturer at ASUE chair of International Economic Relations, senior researcher at “Amberd” Research Center, PhD in Economics Albert Hayrapetyan on April 4-8 was in the Principality of Liechtenstein and was hosted by the reigning Prince Hans-Adam II at Vaduz Castle, official residence of the Prince as well as had a meeting with ASUE partner, director of “Van Eck” publishing, Mister Frank van Eck.

The interview with Albert Hayrapetyan about details of his visit is presented underneath.

- Why did you decide to translate “The State in the Third Millennium” book into Armenian?

- I will tell its background story. On May 29, 2020 I sent an email to the Prince of Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II and requested permission to translate the book into Armenian.  To my great surprise I received the response from the publishing company “Van Eck” owned by the Prince several days after my sent email: they informed me that they are interested in my offer and will be happy to cooperate with me.  I presented that offer to university leadership and received the positive response to publish the book at the publishing division of the university.  In autumn 2020 after long negotiations our university and “Van Eck” publishing company finally signed the agreement. The Armenian translation ‘emerged’ due to sleepless nights, infinite enthusiasm and nervous condition. Only a few partners know the hindrances I faced, from translation to publishing, the process seemingly easy but practically full of impediments. As a result, the ‘birth” of the book took longer than expected.

The book authored by the reigning Prince of Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II was a real ‘jewel’ for me. In comparison to other writers, inside his small but famous and sovereign country he had a “laboratory” where he had already utilized political and economic innovations and ideas presented in the book and achieved success thus making Liechtenstein one of the most prosperous and affluent countries of the world based on economic indicators.

The Prince presented his ideas from many high rostrums including UNO and the University of Oxford. For Armenians, especially in the context of Artsakh conflict regulation, the political goals of the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Prince are the international recognition of the nations’ right to self-determination that is of utmost importance for us. Hans-Adam II established the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-determination at the reputable University of Princeton specially to address that goal, where scientists investigate if the nations’ right to self-determination is implemented besides other issues addressed.

Many people often ask me why I voluntarily decided to translate “The State in the Third Millennium” book into Armenian, and I concisely answer: the state described by the Prince is my dream state and I deeply believe that this is the right way towards peace and welfare that the Earth will see in the third Millennium.

- Mister Hayrapetyan, you have recently met the reigning Prince of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II. Why did the Prince of the only real Principality of Europe and at the same time, the most affluent Prince of Europe invite you to his castle? What are your impressions? Will you present it in more details?

– My impressions are really fabulous. I had a chance to speak to the Prince, the political leader who twice won in the referendum of his country, a great businessperson and what is more crucial for me, the author of my favorite book, to listen to him and learn from him as well. The meeting was remarkable as I had the opportunity to present my homeland to the foreign leader in the best way.  It was a great pleasure for me to give the Prince a book about Armenia as a present. Therefore, my experience in public diplomacy to be put that way is considered to be successfully tested. Other details on the content of our meeting I consider to be a private discussion between the writer and translator.

- What is the peculiarity of the Principality of Liechtenstein and its key to success? How did they manage to establish such a prosperous country?

- First of all, it is the pure democracy. People are motivated when they feel themselves to be managers or owners and are sure that if necessary, they can collect 1500 signatures and hold a referendum to transform the monarchy into republic. The citizen is demanding and the Principality is transparent and accountable, the law prevails and the small monarchy established the government system of democratic legitimacy that is exclusive for the monarchies thus defining a new yardstick for democratization of monarchies.  Second, industry and finance are essential. That might seem surprising, but the locomotive of the economy is not stamp production or financial sector, but the real sector of the economy that is SMEs and about 40% of country population work there. Not many countries can be proud of their international corporations but Liechtenstein that has population of about 37,000 people established the transnational corporation Hilti. But it is even more surprising that Liechtenstein currently has more resident organizations than population. Low taxes, skilled labor force and the agreement of the Customs Union with Habsburg dynasty attracted the leading textile industry companies of Europe. After the fall of Habsburgs, the country integrated with Switzerland by establishing an Economic and Currency Union and later set up the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with Norway and Iceland, and joined the European Single Market the members of which are the countries of EU and EFTA. Liechtenstein is a unique country in the world that does not have state debt and the country stands at AAA from Standard & Poor’s credit rating agency.

- The leading newspapers of Liechtenstein have presented the news about the book published at ASUE so please share some details of it.

– You are quite right. Volksblatt.li website and the leading ‘Waterland’ newspaper specifically addressed the book. I am proud to be able to contribute to the strengthening of the humanitarian connections between the two countries, as they spoke and wrote about us and our university. But I would like to specifically highlight that without my partners this would not become a reality, especially the efforts and support of the rector of the university, Doctor of Economics, Professor Diana Galoyan and the Director of External Relations Department Lusine Danielyan.

We should finalize that as a result of persistent and purposeful work of Ms. Galoyan, Ms. Danielyan and your humble servant we gained the following: first of all, interested readers have the honor to read the Armenian translation of the exclusive book, which I believe to be extremely useful for students and researchers interested in economics, political science, international relations and other scientific disciplines. Secondly, our country in general and our university in particular were shown to the best advantage in leading foreign newspapers. Thirdly, publication of the book and not to seem immodest, my meeting with the monarch allowed people in a small, peaceful and affluent country in the heart of Europe to know more about Armenia.

- Please tell us about your future programs and ideas.

– Currently, my ideas are outside the scientific sphere, and do not deal with books at all but refer to another continent that seems to be unrealistic to me as well. Therefore, let me keep it to myself for now. But people who know me are aware that I cannot live without ideas seemingly insane. So, work, fight and win! Always forward (Sempre Avanti) is my slogan.