Info-meeting Within the Frames of MINERVA Project

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On January 11, the Armenian State University of Economics hosted info-meeting with ASUE young researchers within the frames of MINERVA (Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia / MINERVA) project.

Yevgenya Bazinyan, Head of PhD Division, conducted the meeting. The goal of the meeting was to present the priority strategic steps for the development of professional capacities of young researchers, including the actions taken by the University in this direction. Bazinyan emphasized that ASUE highlighted the need to develop institutional capacities in the field of research, wanted to support the creation of research culture at the University through significant changes, the development of researchers' capacities, creating a motivating and transparent environment for their professional growth.

Yevgenia Bazinyan touched upon the "HR Excellence in Research award" awarded to ASUE by the European Commission, presenting its goal, the perspectives created for the University and researchers. She introduced the platform of EURAXESS pan-European researchers, its opportunities, expressing hope that ASUE researchers and PhD students will be active in this platform in the future.

The researchers presented their experience, gaps and needs in the field of research met during their studies, inquiring about the steps taken by the University in this direction. In response, Yevgenia Bazinyan mentioned that one of the key actions in applying to the "HR Excellence in Research award" within the frames of MINERVA project, was the conformity analysis of research activity in accordance with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. As a result, an action plan was developed, the implementation of which will ensure the correction of the gaps/needs and compliance with the principles and criteria of the above-mentioned two documents.

The Head of PhD Division stressed that in order to ensure research promotion, transparency of support procedures and high level of efficiency at the University, young researchers’ active involvement, as well as always available transparent cooperation and communication between the University and researchers are expected.