We Are Ready to Create Additional Positions for Good Professionals: Head of “INGO ARMENIA” Awarded Certificates

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Yesterday, awarding ceremony of certificates to students of a number of Armenian Universities was held in the newly open center of "INGO ARMENIA" ICJSC, including ASUE 18 students of finance specialty (3rd year), who have attended master classes conducted by the company. Anna Aslanyan, Head of the Chair of Banking and Insurance, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Lilit Gyulgyulyan, Head of Labor Market and Alumni Affairs of ASUE Foreign Relations Department, represented our University at the event.

“It’s already several years, we are conducting master classes, aimed at strengthening the relationship with students, exchanging practical skills, telling about our company, presenting our requirements and problems. I hope that these courses will help you a lot and we attach great importance to holding them involving more and more students every year. Our company has a job offer for you, so I want all of you to study well, because we are ready to create additional positions for good professionals”; applying to students Arevshat Meliksetyan, Chief Executive Officer at INGO ARMENIA Insurance CJSC, stated that their company provides good opportunities for career growth.

Zara Grigoryan, Head of HRM Division of INGO ARMENIA, congratulated the students and thanked the trainers.

Anna Aslanyan thanking the director of the company and expressing happiness for having such graduates (head of the company Arevshat Meliksetyan is ASUE graduate), highlighted the cooperation with employers, stressing that it enables the students to communicate directly with employers, get acquainted with their requirements, experience.

Then Arevshat Meliksetyan awarded certificates. The company Head awarded gratitude certificate to Anna Aslanyan for long-term and effective cooperation.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division