Innovations in Master's Degree Programs in Finance within REFINE Project

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How to make the learning process more effective, integrate the whole audience into the training, and develop student's professional abilities during the IT era: here are the topics discussed during today’s meeting. Armine Schanyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Finance, Srbuhi Israyelyan, Mare Khachatryan, Assistant Professors and Armen Ktoyan, Head of the Chair of Statistics, retrained at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences within the frames of REFINE project, suggested innovative solutions during the conducted discussion. The meeting was attended by Diana Galoyan, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Ashot Salnazaryan, Head of the Chair of Finance, Karen Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Macroeconomics, Vard Ghukasyan, Head of Foreign Relations Division and collaborators.

The lectors stated that the two-week training course in Amsterdam, was an unique opportunity to get acquainted with the European educational leading experience and, in order to localize them reforms are envisaged in the Master's degree programs in Finance, which will launch since new academic year.

Armine Schanyan, Mare Khachatryan and Srbuhi Israyelyan drew attention on ways to improve the quality of education, to conduct internship, and discussed the peculiarities of using digital learning and modern methods, ways of introducing information technologies in the educational process. On-line discussion on educational material, question-answer, lecturer-student intensive communication: here are the components of innovative learning.

Diana Galoyan, Ashot Salnazaryan, Karen Grigoryan expressed opinions on the planned reforms of Master’s degree programs’ in finance.

REFINE project at ASUE is coordinated by Foreign Relations Division of International Relations Department. More information on the project is available at the active link.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division