International Training Week starts at ASUE (photos)

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By the initiative of ASUE Foreign Relations Division, the international training week has started with the participation of 11 lecturers and members of administrative staff from 8 European universities. ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, Coordinator of the "Erasmus +" program’s National Office Lana Karlova and Edith Soghomonyan, the Project Officer of the same office participated in the event.
ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan welcomed the guests and hoped that the colleagues from the partner universities would get positive impressions from Armenia as the guests would travel around Armenia and get acquainted with our country. The rector of our university underlined that since 2014 ASUE has been actively involved in various activities of the "Erasmus +" program, increasing the number of participants, as well as the geography of partner universities. Rector Koryun Atoyan's welcome speech is available here.
Then coordinator of the "Erasmus +" program’s National Office Lana Karlova welcomed the presents and highlighting the event noted that this is the first event organized in this format in Armenia. She hoped that within the framework of this initiative there would be interesting presentations, discussions and would be an excellent opportunity to share experiences. Vard Ghukasyan, the head of the ASUE Foreign Relations Division also welcomed guests and thanked for participation in the International Training Week. The speech of the head of ASUE Foreign Relations Division is available here.
After welcoming speech, the participants were photographed beside the symbolic wall of ASUE and then proceeded the current agenda. Edith Soghomonyan, the Project Officer of the "Erasmus +" program presented academic mobility programs in Armenia. Edith Soghomonyan in details presented implemented and envisaged programs from 2014-2020, their geography, directions, participation of partner universities, the essence and capabilities of the program. After the presentation, she answered the questions of the participants.
The event will continue in the coming days. The ASUE Media and Public Relations Department will keep you informed. The full agenda of the program, as well as the schedule of lectures is available here.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division