ASUE AMBERD Research Center Hosts a Researcher from Lion University

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Julie Oddon, student of Lyon Institute of Political Studies (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon) will hold research internship at AMBERD research center. On February 18, ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan hosted Julie. The meeting was attended by Dr. Vardan Atoyan, Supervisor of the internship, Deputy Director and Senior Expert of AMBERD Research Center, Lusine Danielyan, Director of External Relations Department, Sona Matinyan, Head of International Relations Division.

Lusine Danielyan introduced the guest, noting that the student of the French University would spend several months of her research internship at AMBERD research center, at the same time having the opportunity to get acquainted with the center's activities and research programs.

Julie Oddon expressed gratitude for the invitation and the hospitality, Vardan Atoyan has a great contribution in being hosted at AMBERD. Diana Galoyan welcomed Julie Oddon, then introduced the University, international programs, in particular highlighting Jean Monnet program, the capabilities of AMBERD research center, the activities of the English Club. The Head of the University expressed hope that the internship of Julie Oddon at our University research center would be effective and memorable, and added that the University staff was ready to assist in any matter.

After the meeting talked to Julie Oddon:

- I discovered AMBERD Research Center and your university through one of my university professor in France that knew Mr. Atoyan. She introduced me to him and their work. Since it was related to my center of interests I decided to apply. I had a positive feedback from them and we started discussing about what could be my activities in AMBERD Research Center.  I will stay at AMBERD until beginning of June, it is a 4 months internship. I would like to be involved in the researches of AMBERD in order to have a better understanding of economic development and especially in Armenia. It is also an opportunity for me to get a new professional experience. Indeed, getting to know how a research center is working is really instructive.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division