Lives for the Homeland: Albert and Aren Fell Like Heroes

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Artsakh exists and will be the cradle of Armenians. The Motherland has worthy and brave children who give their lives for the sake of the Homeland.

ASUE students Albert Bakhshyan, the 1st year student st the Faculty of Management  and Aren Arakelyan, the 2nd year student at the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization, fell while defending Artsakh.

The Deans spoke  about  our  heroes.

“Albert was an intelligent, humorous boy. We remember him as a tall, charming and smiling young man. He was  very active, was a member of ASUE KVN team, laughter was always on his face. Eternal glory to our hero”; Manuk Movsisyan, Dean of the Faculty of Management, noted.

Narek Kesoyan, Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization, described Aren as a polite and modest boy who enjoyed the sympathy of many.

Our condolences to the families and relatives of the immortal heroes.

Glory and homage.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division