RIP Ashot Salnazaryan

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We mourn the untimely death of Ashot Salnazaryan, Head of the Chair of Finance, Doctor of Sciences, Professor. He was with ASUE for 25 years. He was an incomparable scientist-pedagogue who  made an undeniable contribution to the establishment of the University, especially as an educational institution that prepares  the best specialists in the financial field. Since  2013 he headed one of the largest Chairs of the University - Finance. He was strict, disciplined, but at the same time frank and humorous. He skillfully combined the best qualities of a manager, pedagogue, scientist or senior friend.

His research interests included financial markets, corporate finance, and securities derivatives markets.

He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the RA Financial Mediator, as well as a member of the 014 Professional Board of Economics. Ashot Salnazaryan has authored  about 8 dozen scientific works.

Ashot Salnazaryan was also one of the best correspondents of ASUE "Tntesaget" official magazine, he often made in-depth professional analyzes.  has recently invited Ashot Salnazaryan for an interview dedicated to the anniversary of the University, and the Professor described his love for the Mother University of Economics in a unique way. "Age gives grace to a talented  person"; he noted.

The loss is irreversible. We express our condolences to Ashot Salnazaryan's family and relatives.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division