“Higher Mathematics” Textbook Authored by Maxim Muradyan was Published

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“Higher Mathematics” textbook authored by Maxim Muradyan, Doctor of Sciences /Physics and Mathematics/, Professor at the Chair of Higher Mathematics has been published ensured by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA and ASUE Scientific Board.

While being interviewed the author noted that the textbook is intended for students of economics and related specialties, including the main sections of the higher mathematics course in higher education institutions. The book is full of theoretical materials, tasks and exercises, the major part of which is of economical content. Contains more than 2600 tasks and exercises.

The author's lectures delivered for several decades in ASUE have been the basis for the book.

"Higher Mathematics" is available at ASUE library and bookstores.

Congratulations to Maxim Muradyan and wish him good scientific activity.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division