Ruben Hayrapetyan: Students' Regular Surveys are a Small, but Inseparable Part of the Systematic Changes at ASUE

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Today, Ruben Hayrapetyan, ASUE acting Rector, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, met students, at ASUE Big Hall. The meeting aimed at presenting the students electronic surveys to be introduced at ASUE.

Ruben Hayrapetyan presented the concept, pointed out the main features, including surveys will be anonymous, implemented in the "Moodle" system, the survey will be as simplified as possible, including 10 questions for each lecturer, 9 of which are guiding and only the last one is imposing.

“Students’ regular surveys are a small, but inseparable part of the ongoing systematic changes at ASUE”; Ruben Hayrapetyan stated.

Then, with the help of the collaborators of ASUE Electronic Equipment Maintenance and Software Division, a student conducted a trial survey in order to make the process more visible for the students.

“This concept is not final unless we have discussed with you, we have not heard your approaches. Dear students, now our University is in the stage of ongoing changes, and the introduction of this concept of survey is in the context of all the improvements made during this period. It is very important that the system works properly and serves its purpose. We believe that students should be given the opportunity to express their opinion systematically”; applying to students the University Head stated: “You should demonstrate high consciousness and understanding: the interests of the university leadership and students match, that’s to improve the quality of education. And this should be done in partnership. Our desire is to make all stakeholders to become the bearer of our university's mission”.

Then the acting Rector answered students’ questions. The latters presented their suggestions, approaches, views on the system’s activity and Ruben Hayrapetyan answered all the raised questions, and promised to include the accepted suggestions in the concept.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division