Moodle system, optional courses, new educational programs, ASUE 2018-2022 strategic plan was approved by the University Council

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ASUE Council session headed by the council chairman Vache Gabrielyan, was held today. It was attended by 24 members of the Council, ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan and vice-rectors. First issues of the agenda was ASUE 2018-2022 development strategic plan’s discussion and approval, and the second issue was the Realization of immediate steps stemming from the strategy. ASUE Board Chairman Vache Gabrielyan opened the meeting and after the approval of the agenda, he noted, that development strategic draft plan had been discussed with the lecturers, administrative staff and students of the university and as a result of discussions, the presented proposals were reflected in the strategic plan. Later Armen Grigoryan, director of AMBERD Research Center, presented the plan. Armen Grigoryan first mentioned that the development of the new strategy of ASUE was carried out as a result of the decision of the ASUE Governing Council on January 19, 2018, then briefly presented the essence of the strategic program. He noted that the plan was built on numerous queries and researches, and referred to all the directions of the University's activity and the important point, the improvement of the quality. The strategic plan is aimed at strengthening ASUE positions and ensuring progressive development. He touched upon three key components of the strategy, which were quality, efficiency and applicability. The strategy focuses on five priority objectives: improving the quality of education programs, increase of activity efficiency, provision of applied research-education integration and applied research-economy cooperation, extension of internationalization, investment of the academic ethics and social responsibility principles and anti-corruption measures. We should add other higher education specialties in order to increase the involvement of new students, to elaborate programs that distinguish educational programs from competitive universities, focusing on the applied and research components of educational programs, to develop joint educational programs with Armenian and foreign Universities, trying to attract students to different areas of higher education, to provide the student with the duration of the study with the training modules provided by the end-of-course training, to give an opportunity to choose the lecturer, to increase students’ choices in educational programs, to encrease the proportion of elective courses of the educational program from the current 7.5-12.5% to 25%, to provide students with the opportunity to choose, to have a personal credit load, to form a technical (e-Dean's Office, Registrar), personnel (professional orientation unit), methodological and legal frameworks, to compensate the loss of part-time learning with the transition to distance learning and to develop the necessary technical (Moodle system) and methodological resources (new institutional capacities and methodological resources), to use the Moodle system as a platform for lecturer-student outsourcing (individual counseling) and so on.
ASUE Council unanimously approved the ASUE 2018-2022 development strategic plan. Touching upon strategy the chairman of the Council noted that this extensive program requires technical investments, the launch of the moodle system, the development of a number of documents, so a working group should be formed to implement.
Note, that the ASUE 2018-22 development strategic plan is available on the ASUE official website. You can find it here.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division