ASUE members as the authors of the best reports of youth economic conference

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4th Scientific Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists entitled "Modern Problems of Economics" was held at YSU Faculty of Economics and Management (March10-13). ASUE students were among the authors of the best papers works. Note that the conference was held under the support of the programs for young scientists under the honorary auspices of the President of the Republic of Armenia and with the financial support of the Youth Foundation of Armenia and the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia. The organizers of the conference were YSU Faculty of Economics and Management, YSU Association of Young Scientists and Student Scientific Society of YSU.

Fourth year student of the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations Tatevik Hovhannisyan made a report on: "The role of regional development in the economic system of the RA" and took the 3rd place. Supervisor of our students is the head of the chair of International Economic Relations, Associate Professor Grigor Nazaryan.

The first place of honor took the post-graduate student of ASUE Gyumri branch Ani Khachatryan and graduate student Arpine Sargsyan. Their report was on "Assessing the impact of socio-economic transformation of the economic growth of developing countries". The supervisor of the report was director of the branch, PhD, Professor Samson Davoyan.

Note that the international conference was held in several sections, the chairpersons of which were the professors of the Faculty and Corresponding Members of the NAS RA. The presentation of reports were followed by discussions.

Congratulations to our students! We wish you new victories and achievements!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.