A meeting at ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch in the frames of "Erasmus +" program

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Today Vice rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, head of the Foreign Relations Division Vard Ghukasyan and chief specialist of the Division Margarita Marukyan met ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch students and presented "Erasmus +" program.

The students were provided with the information about the application order, program conditions, as well as scholarships. After the meeting the students, who were interested in the program, took part in the English language exam.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.

size:12.0pt;font-family: "Arial Unicode","sans-serif";mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri;color:#333333; background:white'>Anna Babajanyan and Arman Hovhanissyan.

Vice rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan presented the Council dissertation topics and scientific supervisors, which were approved.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.