Opportunities to study at the Estonian Universities: Estonian guests visited ASUE

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Today, representatives of three Estonian Universities (Head of Marketing and Communications division of University of Tartu Eveli Soo, Head of International Communication and Cooperation Division of Tallinn University of Technology Keit Kiissel and expert in international marketing of the Tallinn University Caroline Megi) visited ASUE. The guests talked about the opportunities of studying in these institutions of higher education.

ASUE Foreign Relations Division organized the event and the head of the mentioned division was present at the meeting. The latter introduced the guests and noted that one of the students of our university was now studying at the University of Tartu by "Erasmus +" program and in the near future one student will visit ASUE by the same program. According to the head of Foreign Relations Division, our student has good impression.

Each of the guests gave information about universities, education, scholarship programs (Bachelor, Master's, postgraduate), student everyday life, tuition fees, application procedure, and deadlines.

With the help of the slide show, the students familiarized with the faculties of Estonian universities, libraries, cultural and sports centers, etc.

Note that knowledge of the English language is required for the applicants («Toefl», «Ielts»).

The guests answered the students' questions and presented them information brochures.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.