Chairs and professors, who published most scientific articles, will be promoted: a session of ASUE Scientific Council

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Today, the first session of ASUE Scientific Council of 2016 took place, at ASUE Conference Hall, headed by ASUE Rector professor Koryun Atoyan.

ASUE Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan made a report on "The results of scientific research activities of 2015 and the problems of 2016” referring to the development of the institutional capacity of the University scientific activity, directions of scientific performance, "Amberd" Research Center, research groups. He presented the scientific publications of 2015, the chairs and professors, who published most scientific articles (including international). Find the full report here:

Koryun Atoyan suggested promoting the first three chairs and professors, who authored the most scientific publications.  

The next question of the agenda was on awarding titles to the lecturers. The question was presented by Suren Gevorgyan the chairman of competition commission. As a result, the absolute majority of Scientific Council decided to award title of Professor to David Hakhverdyan (Chair of IER), and titles of Associate Professors to Eric Hambardzumyan (Chair of IER) and Lusine Karapetyan (Chair of Labor Economics).

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.