The quality of education as a research subject: seminar

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Today, the  presentation of “Higher Education Management”  research  group was  held at  ASUE  Conference  Hall,   which was attended  by ASUE  Rector,  Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice-rector of Science  and International Relations Gagik  Vardanyan,  “Amberd” research center director Samvel Avetisyan, representatives  of  research group,  students.

The  Research  group Director is  Koryun ATOYAN  members  are Associate  Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Marketing, Candidate  in Economics Narek  GHUKASYAN, Head of the  Chair  of  Languages Susanna CHALABYAN, MA  students Lusine KIRAKOSYAN, Milena MUSHEGHYAN.

Associate Professor Susanna Chalabyan talked about education quality management standards of the Swedish Boras University, stopped on the TQM model, and then presented the opportunities of localization in ASUE.

The next speaker, post-graduate student Lusine Kirakosyan touched upon the policy objectives of ensuring the quality of educational services, necessary steps for establishing a quality culture.

The last speaker, Master student Sara Yeritsyan spoke about the complete model of education quality management.

The audience raised questions.

Concluding the seminar, Rector Koryun Atoyan said that the theme of the research was interesting for all university employees. Referring to the quality of education, the rector said that it was a whole series where the school, parent, university professors, society, labor, everything has its own role.

            ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.