Armenian State University of Economics - a member of Visegrad Fund funded Project

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On December 2-4 kick off meeting of Visegrad Fund, funded I-Net (Internalization Network) program, took place at Belarus State University. The coordinator of the program is Yerevan State University. The main goal of the program is to establish a database for interuniversity cooperation in the terms of internalization. Main information regarding the universities will be provided by each partner university. Representatives of partner universities later will participate in ToT in the frames of the project. Main topic of the ToT will be internalization issues. Later the trained trainers will organize trainings at their home universities. The project will give opportunity to increase regional and international reputation of the network member universities, promote mobility within network member universities, implementation of joint research, etc. Staff responsible for the international issues of each network member university was participating the meeting held at Belarus State University. More detailed information regarding the program will be provided soon.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.