Exam dates are available. The deadline for applying to master`s program is

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The admission of undergraduate and graduate part-time students for 2015-2016 academic year is coming to an end.

The deadline for submitting the applications for undergraduate students was September 20 and for graduate students is September 25, 18:00pm.

The Executive Secretary of ASUE Admission Committee Mery Badalyan said that the test (interview) for part-time master's applicants will be held on September 29, at 10:00. Part-time undergraduate entrance exams will be held by the following schedule: September 27 - "Mathematics", October 4 - "Armenian language and literature", October 11 - "Foreign Language". The exams will be held in written form.

Find more information by visiting the link:  http://media.asue.am/upload/haytararutyun_heraka_2015.pdf :

We wish luck to everyone.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.