"The implementation of Salzburg Principles in the Republic of Armenia" in-house training

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On September 18, at 14:00 in the Conference Hall of the Universityin-house training on "The implementation of Salzburg principles in the Republic of Armenia", according to Tempus VERITAS program goals, took place, which was conducted by Mr. Karen Grigoryan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor in the Department of Macroeconomics at ASUE, who is local coordinator of Tempus VERITAS program in ASUE.

The meeting was attended by the Vice Rector of Science and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan, Dean of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations Atom Margaryan. The seminar participants were present and future beneficiaries – staff of Postgraduate Division, Scientific Division, Human Resource Management Division, the Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council, academic staff, supervisors of PhD students, PhD and Masters Students.

Karen Grigoryan first presented the in details the current situation in post graduate education system in Armenia and, particularly in ASUE, international experience in PhD studies, structural development of third cycle, deeply explained all ten Salzburg Principles with all peculiarities and experience of partner universities, implementation of Salzburg Principles in ASUE, and development of PhD studies in ASUE. At the end of training, participants addressed the speaker many questions connected with Salzburg principles and issues related to post-graduate (PhD degree studies) education, which gave convincing answers.

In their final speeches Vice Rector Gagik Vardanyan and Dean Atom Margaryan underlined the importance of the training, for depth understanding and applying of Salzburg Principles in the University and for development of PhD degree education.