The first day of the new academic year at ASUE: holiday of knowledge and emotions

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ASUE celebrated another start of a new academic year with about 1000 first-year students. This day will remain alive in their memories as the first meeting with the University and the first day of the student life.

From early morning both ASUE unique yard (Nalbandyan 128) and the department of Computer Science and Statistics (in Zeytun district) were breathing with celebration and enthusiastic emotions. ASUE Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan and Vice rector on education organizational matters Mihrdat Harutyunyan made their first visit to the department of Computer Science and Statistics.

Congratulating, cheering and wishing good luck to newcomers, Koryun Atoyan said.

"Dear freshmen, you had very memorable days of childhood and adolescence, but I assure you that your best days are still ahead.

You will receive high quality professional education in our University, ASUE staff is concerned in your further education and nurture. And this knowledge will be crucial for your future path. But the University is not only a higher education, your value system will be formed and developed here, you will also pick lessons of life: optimism, humanity, honesty. You will be required great effort, hard work, perseverance and commitment to establish and develop yourself in this age of modern technology and dynamic progress. And your efforts will surely be acquitted".

Read Rector's congratulations by the following link. Http://

The dean of the Department of Computer Science and Statistics Manuk Movsisyan, head of the chair of Mathematical methods in economics Ashot Tavadyan and head of the chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems Vardan Sargsyan also welcomed the freshmen.

ASUE Yard was crowded: first-year students of five departments, parents, deans, heads of chairs, faculty staff. Vice-rectors Gagik Vardanyan, Paruyr Kalantaryan, Mihrdat Harutyunyan, Mikhail Karapertyan and Sevak Khachatryan were also alongside with newcomers.

Koryun Atoyan mentioned that the beginning of the academic year should start with high spirits, enthusiasm, faith and optimism. And for this University has made all the efforts: new projects, changes, best conditions for student accommodation, catering and leisure.

ASUE SC president Sergey Kharatyan also congratulated the freshmen.

Traditionally, the deans accompanied the first year students to the departments after the greetings and congratulations.

Rector Koryun Atoyan welcomed the 1st year students of the management specialization. Once again congratulating the newcomers, rector urged them to study hard and touched the issues of competition in the labor market, employer requirements.

"Employers are demanding high-quality personnel. Our university cooperates with employers, and takes joint steps to prepare high-quality professionals. ASUE staff, in its turn, is interested in preparing competitive specialists and your greatest challenge is to study well", said the Rector. Koryun Atoyan also highlighted social activities, participation in sports and cultural events, student life. The Rector also spoke of ASUE "Tntesaget" sport-health camp in Dilijan, noting that every year University students spend unforgettable summer there.

1st year students received numbers of ASUE official magazine "Tntesaget". The students were also informed that DJ VaKcina will perform for the freshmen at ASUE Yard on September 3, at 17:00. The event is initiated by ASUE SC and the Youth Foundation of Armenia.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division congratulates colleagues and students on Knowledge Day and beginning of the academic year.

Welcome and good luck.

Photos of Semtember 1sthere.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.