Judicial processes: discussion of issues of public confidence in ASUE

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10-th round-table discussion in the frames of "Formation of a platform for discussions on promoting inclusive growth in RA" program took place at ASUE on August 14.  Once again the topic was interesting: "Judicial process and public confidence".

The round table was attended by Vice Rector on Education-Methodological Matters Paruyr Kalantaryan, project management team, led by Nerses Gevorgyan, faculty members and students, experts of Real Estate Cadastre State Committee, representatives of NGOs. .

The main speakers were Associate Professor of The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia Varazdat Hovhannisyan and the head of GIS department of "Geodesy and Cartography" SNCO Aram Stepanyan. The first speaker reported on "Expropriation and its role in public and social life", while the second speaker talked about "Problems of formation of the institute of expropriation in RA: known areas of public interest".

The speakers have emphasized that "Currently, the ownership of movable property cannot be a subject to expropriate, but as for other proprietary rights, they are also alienated by expropriate. Apart from the alienation of property rights, other restrictions may be imposed to real estate property, which may be temporary or permanent".   

The meeting was followed by discussions. Program participants and representatives of evaluating companies took a word.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.