Chair of Theory of Economics Initiated Students’ Visit to the CB

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Yesterday, on November 28,  the  1st year students of economics  specialty visited the Visitor Centre of the  RA Central Bank. The  visit  was  initiated  by Firuza Mayilyan, acting Chair of Theory of Economics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Narine Khalatyan, and Vahe Bulanikyan, PhDs in Economics, Associate Professors.

The activities of the Central Bank, its goals, the essence and tools of the monetary policy were  presented  to  students. Besides, the essence of the money, origin, the new banknotes sketches coming from the next year, nominal commemorative coins issued by the Central Bank, the money checking standards, money protection and other interesting issues were presented to the freshmen.

The  lectures  noted  that the  students  were  greatly  impressed, and the  above  mentioned  Centre  of the CB suggested  to continue  the  cooperation holding mutual visits  for  undergraduate students also. ASUE students  and lecturers also received gifts from the Centre.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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