“Happiness”: the topic was discussed by English Speakers

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ASUE Club of English Speakers held the third seminar, which was attended by the vice rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, Head of the Chair of Language Susanna Chalabyan, lecturers and club members. The topic of the discussion was the happiness.

The guest of the club was Avedikian Varoujan General Counsel of Central Bank of RA.

On speaker’s question "What is happiness?” each of the presents answered in their own way, "When you feel happy and you know what is to be unhappy", “When are you smiling", “When you have no problems", etc. The seminar was held in an active atmosphere, the students presented their ideas of happiness.

Note that the Club of English Speakers brings together the ASUE students, who have a good knowledge of English. Club has more than 60 members. The club organizes seminars and invited experts to discuss various topics in English.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.