Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mohammad Reis delivered a lecture in ASEU

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Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mohammad Reis delivered a lecture on "Armenian-Iranian economic relations" in ASEU. Besides the Ambassador our university also hosted the first-degree advisor Gholam Reza Ebrahimpure and Commercial Attaché Hmayak Avetisyan. ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, vice rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan met the Ambassador. Faculty and administrative units’ staff and students attended the conference hall, where the lecture was held. The lecture was organized by the Division of Foreign Affairs.

In his speech ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan welcomed Ambassador of Iran to Armenia and thanked for accepting the invitation noting that the university is honored to host the Ambassador.

            "Your contribution to Armenian-Iranian relations development is great. Armenia and Iran have been friends for ages, and today we are to continue that friendship. The strong ties between educational institutions have a unique place in countries’ progress and development.  Our University, which by the way will celebrate the 85th anniversary this year, has adopted the slogan "We are changing” for already four
years. Under this slogan, we have taken activities towards internationalization of the University, research development, quality improvement and creation of a favorable environment. Now we are can feel the changes that have been implemented over the last 4 years", said Koryun Atoyan referring to the recent achievements of the University. "In 2012 our University has received a permission from the RA Ministry of Education and Science to host foreign citizens. It has already been 3 years that foreign students study in our university, which contributes to the growth of ASUE reputation abroad. We will be glad to see Iranian students among ours”, said Mr. Atoyan.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mohammad Reis started his lectures saying that he is very glad to be in ASUE and then referred to the Armenian-Iranian relations. Honorable Ambassador spoke about the high-level relations between the two countries, especially the mutual visits and economic cooperation, cultural and educational ties of recent years.

Afterwards the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Iran to Armenia described the economic position of Iran in the region, gave the economic characteristics, talked about Iran's exports and imports, foreign investment. Talking about Armenia's accession to EEU, the ambassador said. "Armenia's membership to EEU will create wide range of opportunities for Armenia and Iran, which should be used in a favorable manner."

After the lecture, both professors and students came up with questions about Armenian-Iranian economic prospects, foreign investment in Iran, Iran's economic statistics.  Rector Koryun Atoyan asked which Armenia's economic sectors could be interesting and competitive in Iranian market. In response, the commercial attaché Mr. Avetisyan pointed to agriculture, animal husbandry, new technologies, and machinery. One of the professors asked the Ambassador to participate in an open class in ASUE to which the Ambassador responded positively.  

At the end, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mohammad Reis once again expressed his gratitude for hospitality and expressed a hope that the contacts with the University would help to find solutions for economic problems. Koryun Atoyan also expressed gratitude for the visit and recalled the students to study Iran's history and culture better for being aware of the Armenian-Iranian friendship. "I hope today's meeting is another color added to our friendship," said the rector.

The rest of the photos see here.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.