ASUE women's volleyball team leads: support our team!

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The championship games of women's volleyball teams pass in the framework of 16th republican sports games among university students of RA in ASEU gym. ASEU women's team won with the score 2:0 all the held four games, defeating the teams of Pedagogical, Medical, Engineering and Linguistic Universities.

During the interview with the ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Simon Hakobyan a professor of the chair of Physical training, emergency situations and civil defense, coach of the women's volleyball team informed that our volleyball players were in a great shape.

 "Until now, our team performed very well, let's see what results our athletes will fix further. We still have six more games to play and our opponents are very strong. We would like to encourage all students to attend all the games, because their presence can support our volleyball players, "- said the coach.

 Dear students, support our team, your presence is very important to them!

 We wish our team further brilliant victories!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division