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National  Center  for Professional Education Quality Assurance  Foundation announces  Q-Week on December 1-5, 2014,  which  was opened  today at Armenian State  University of  Education.  “ARARAT”  project, the  coordinator of  which is  ASUE, was  presented  within the  framework of  Q-Week.

The  measure was attended  by the director of the National Center For professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation Ruben Topchyan,  Vice-rector  on Methodological  Matters Paruir  Kalantaryan, Head of  Quality  Assurance  Division, ASUE Nerses Gevorgyan, coordinator of  National Erasmus+ Office  in Armenia Lana Karlova, President  of Republican Union of Employers of Armenia  (RUEA) Gagik  Makaryan, members  of  “ARARAT” project,  lecturers.

Paruir Kalantaryan made welcoming  remarks  and  mentioned  that the  final  stage  of “ARARAT” project is coming to an end  and the  done  work  should  be summarized.  The  Vice-rector  wished successful and productive working  process.

Ruben Topchyan  welcomed the  participants  and  highlighted the  role of “ARARAT” project. Referring to strengthening University-employer relationship, Rupen Topchyan  mentioned  that  within the  framework  of  interaction the employer  should  submit demands  for preparing  qualified specialists.

Lana Karlova  spoke  about quality  assurance processes in  Higher Education System, especially referring to University-employer relationship.

Nerses  Gevorgyan presented the  mission,  problems  of “ARARAT” project,  highlighting active functions  of  both  the  Universities  and  the  employers  in terms  of  strengthening  University-employer  relationship, increasing education quality.

Representative  of ANQA Mkrtich Ayvazyan  presented functions  of “University-labor market national  network”,  identified   it  nature,  after  which  a  discussion  was  held.   Other  reports  were  also  presented: coordinator  of the  Center for the Study of Labor  Market  and Career, SEUA  Vanadzor  Branch, Nelson Mamulyan-“The Functions of University-Market Coordination Units (UMCU) in Developing Sectorial Qualification Framework and Reviewing Education Programs”, Vice President of  National  Armenia National Student Association Sargis Asatryants-“Students and Alumni Participation in the Project and Their Benefits”.

President  of Republican Union of Employers of Armenia  (RUEA) Gagik  Makaryan  spoke  about "Involvement of Employers in Network’s Activities: Employer-University Cooperation and Mutual Benefits", representative of  ANQA  Hayk Daveyan referred  to  students’ achievements in terms  of sectorial qualifications.

“Education quality  is  an urgent  problem: today’s labor market  demands qualified  specialists, and  today’s  education  doesn’t  always  provide  it.  Today’s   discussion is important  in terms  of discovering the  existing  gaps,  problems in this  field.  The  work,  achievements gained  within the framework  of  “ARARAT” project  were  presented”; mentioned  Paruir Kalantaryan.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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