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On  November 21, sport  games  conducted  within framework of “Student Autumn 2014” sport cultural  festival  were  over.

The  results of  basketball  championship  were  known  on Friday,  which  were  already  posted (see

Here are  the  results  of  futsal  championship:

  1. Department of  Finance,
  2. Department of Management,
  3. Department of  Accounting and  Auditing.

Here  are the  overall  results of   sport  games conducted  within the framework of  the  festival:

  1. Department of  Management-12 points,
  2. Department of Regulation of Economy 
    and International Economic Rеlations-11 points,
  3. Department of   Finance-9 points.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division Professor  at the  Chair  of  Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense,  a  member  of  sports games referee staff Lyova  Samvelyan  highlighted  the role  of  various sport  games,  mentioned  that  competitions  contribute to  popularization  of  sport,  healthy  life  style.

“Interest  towards sport games  was  great  this  year,  many  students were  involved, students of  ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch also  participated  in them.  Due  to  the competitions  new sportsmen and athletes  were become  known,  the  best of  which  will  join  our  teams”.

5 sports games: chess, ping-pong,  volleyball (boys, girls), basketballs (boys), futsal (boys),  armwrestling (boys),  were  conducted within the  framework  of “Student Autumn 2014” sport cultural festival.  The  games  started  on November 10, 2014 and  the  solemn opening ceremony  was  held  on  November 12,  which  was  attended  by  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan.

P.S. “Student Autumn 2014”  is  devoted  to  the  20th  anniversary  of  ASUE  SC. Cultural  part  of  the  festival will  start  soon:  intellectual  games (“What? Where? When?)  and  cultural  games  will  be  held  soon,  in the  result  of  which  the  best  Department will  be  known.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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