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Interdepartment  basketball championship   conducted  within the  framework  of  “Student Autumn 2014” sport cultural  festival  was  over.

Here are  the  results:

1.Department of Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations,

2.Department of  Management,

3.Department of  Finance.

The  winners  were awarded with medals and certificates.

The  referees of  the  basketball  championship  were lecturers  at  the  Chair  of  Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense  Hakob Kyokchyan, Stanislav Avanesov.

Note, that  futsal  championship is  still  going  on at this  moment,  and  the  result  will  be announced later.

Congratulations  to the  winning  teams.



ASUE  Media and  Public  Relations  Division 

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