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Today,  a  scientific  seminar entitled “Evaluation components  of businessman moral characteristics.   Main  principles  of  business  ethics”  was  conducted  within the  framework  of  “The issues of business morality and social responsibility in the RA”  research  program  of  “AMBERD”  Research  Center.

Research  group  facilitator, Aram Sargsyan Head of  the  Chair  ofPhilosophy and Armenian History, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,  welcomed the  participants  and  mentioned that  the  research  group  tried to  work  towards practical  part  and  added  new chapter “Business  Culture”.

The  speakers  were Candidates in  Philosophy, Associate Professors: Marieta  Mikoghosyan  and  Yuri  Hovakanyan.

Marieta  Nikoghosyan  spoke  about  “Corporate social responsibility of business”, then referred  to  charity,  explained  it in terms of psychological.  They  spoke  about  the benefactors, such as  the Lazaryan, Gyulbekyan, Mantashyan and  a  number  of  charity  foundations.

Yuri  Hovakanyan presented  the  topic “The  religion and business”,  spoke  about the  perception of business among communities of the world  3 religions. The  letter  mentioned  that Jewish and Armenian businesses have many similarities, in particular, business-related ethical norms, however, there are also big differences. They  also  referred  to  the  eastern management.

At  the  end  of  the  meeting  Aram Sargsyan  mentioned  that this  part  of  the  seminar  was  over ,  expressed  gratitude  for  discussions  and  informed  that research  group  went  on working  to  present  the  final  results  of  the  research.




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