Open Discussion on the Role, Advantages and Disadvantages of Crypto-currencies

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Today, the 2nd  year Master’s degree students  of business  organization specialty discussed the  role  of  crypto-currencies in the  modern business.  The  measure  was  attended  by  Mikayel Mardumyan, the acting Chair  of Commerce  and Business Organization, representatives of Faculty staff, students.

Gurgen Ohanyan, lecturer, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor, welcomed the  attendees, stated  the selection of  the topic,   noted  that doing  business by crypto-currencies  is  profitable in modern business.

Master’s degree  students,  divided into for  and  against groups, presented facts why  we  should  use crypto-currencies  or vice versa?  Gurgen Ohanyan made more detailed clarifications.

Crypto-currency is a digital currency, which shortens time and space, enabling third-party trading from anywhere in the world.

Reduction of time and space has an important role in contemporary business, and in this regard, crypto-currencies are encouraged. The students spoke in detail about the first crypto-currency - bitcoin, and then blockchain technology by which the crypto-currency transfer takes place.

When defining the deficiencies, it was mainly mentioned that these currencies are not protected against hacking attacks from viruses.

Since the topic is relatively new, and many of the audience did not have enough information about the crypto-currencies, the discussion was more informative. Mikayel Mardumyan mentioned  that the Chair welcomes the  Master’s  degree  students  participation in professional modern research  and discussions  and  they  would  be  ongoing.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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