Mathematics is the Backbone of Economics: Seminar of the Chair of Higher Mathematics

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Today, scientific seminar  of the Chair  of Higher Mathematics  was  held, which  was attended by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and International Relations, Mher Aghalovyan, the  Chair  of Higher  Mathematics, Doctor  of Sciences, the staff of  Chair, employees.

Welcoming the  seminar attendees the  Vice Rector  stated  that these current seminars provide an opportunity to discover the scientific potential of the Chairs, to clarify which directions of activity should be stressed.

“The results of the Chair scientific seminars will be directly reflected in the educational process. For economists, from the point of view of knowledge, the backbone is mathematics and it is necessary to determine the level of knowledge in higher mathematics that a student must master after the end of the academic stage. These seminars and the  ones  of scientific-educational laboratories are a precedent for the 27th  ASUE Conference to be held on November 22-24, and our researchers have the opportunity to present a serious business card” said  Gagik Vardanyan.

Maksim Muradyan, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor, Vladimir Davtyan, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor welcomed such  kind  of scientific and  research meetings, expressing  hope seminars will become a good tradition, showing how many scientists are in the field of study, how effective they work, what issues are  met in the teaching process.

Mher Aghalovyan stated  that the Chair of Higher Mathematics has a great potential, willingness and can play a significant role in inter-chair cooperation that will contribute to the formation of a strong backbone of mathematics in the future economist's knowledge.

Then Maksim Muradyan, Mher Aghalovyan, Arkadi Hayrapetyan, Robert Galoyan, Melsik Mirzoyan, Meruzhan Khachatryan presented  reports on various topics.

Active  discussion was  conducted.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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