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Representatives  of  “EKHO” NGO  were  hosted  at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics  within  the  framework  of  “Improving university  sphere  of  people withdisabilities  as  a motivation”   to  discuss university  education issues  concerning   students   with  disabilities.  ASUE  Foreign  Relations  Division had organized  the meeting.

 President of the “EKHO” NGO Seryozha Ohanjanyan,  welcoming  the guests,   presented the  project  and  mentioned  that in the   result  of  surveys 5  Universities  had  been  chosen,  where  meetings with  students  and  lecturers were  being  held: one  of them is  Armenian State  University  of  Economics (ASUE).  The  President mentioned that  the  meeting  aimed to  raise  and   to fix the  problems,  which  the students  with disabilities  could  deal with  in the  University.

Sociologist  of  “EKHO”  NGO,  Armenuhi  Kazaryan, raised  questions,  in response  to  which  ASUE  lecturers  clarified a number  of  issues  regarding the topic.  Both sides discussed the psychological problems of students with disabilities, referred to the teacher-student relationship, how  to make education available to them.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division Seryozha Ohanjanyan  said  that after  the meetings  a  report  would  be  prepared,  which  was  planned  to  publicize  on December 2, 2014. The report will be based on proposals aimed  at  making  university  education available for  the people  with disabilities  and  improving  the  sector.

Thus, the project aims to contribute to the realization of the education right of persons with disabilities.

P.S. The  representatives  of the  same  organization  had  already  met  our  University  students.

We  wish   successful implementation  of  the  project.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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