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Hereinafter, students will be well  informed  about  lives, activities  of  13  ASUE  killed student-fighters: “Njdeh”  patriotic club  has  a new  initiative,  which has  launched  today. Matinees devoted  to lives  and  activities  of  ASUE  killed student-fighters   will  be  presented in the  University  in format  of  open lessons.

Today, a  lesson  devoted  to  Derenik  Abrahamyan (Atom,  born in village, Garni)   was  conducted in the  auditorium  after  ASUE  killed student-fighters.

The  President  of  “Njdeh” club, Zaven Khukeyan,  the  Vice President,  Grigor  Voskerchyan, welcomed  the students,  then  the 2nd  year  student  of  Marketing, Sona  Ghazaryan  presented the  important  facts  of  the  fighter’s  life. A video  devoted  to  Atom  was also  presented  during the  lesson,  his  poems  were  quoted.

Note,  that  the  1st  lesson  was  devoted  to Derenik  Abrahamyan,  as  he  was ASUE 1st fighter  to  be  killed.

P.S. School in Garni  was  named “N 2 senior  school after Atom” in  honor of  Derenik Abrahamyan.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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