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Today,   ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division (which also  prepares the  University  official  magazine “Tntesaget”) was full of joyful mood: “the  hosts  and  guests” were  celebrating Armenian Press  Day. Our  University  also  has collaborators (“Tntesaget”  magazine, “Messenger of  ASUE”  scientific  magazine,  scientific publishing  and  printing  divisions) who  have  participated  in  creation of the Armenian  press: from organizational  to journalism, publishing and printing activities.

The  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan, Vice-rector  of Educational  Matters, Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, Vice-rector  on Administrative  Affairs, Rudik Karapetyan,  Vice-rector  on Students  and  Alumni  Affairs, Sevak  Khachatryan, Head  of  the  Chair  of  Marketing, Ararat  Zakaryan, Deputy Editor-in-chief  of  “Messenger  of  ASUE”  scientific magazine,  Head of  Science  Division, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Executive Secretary  of  the  magazine, Gohar  Hovhannisyan, Director  of  Library, Armine Hovhannisyan,  collaborators  of  the printing house, reporter-authors  of  the  magazine, for  short people, who contribute  to creation of  university  press,  support,  evaluate  and encourage,  visited  ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division and  congratulated  the  Division collaborators, outlined  the  role  of  Armenian press  and  wished  them  working success  and  new  achievements.

P.S. According to  the  RA  Government  decree  on  April 22, 2004, “Press Employee Day”  was  celebrated  on October 16,  the  letter  was  renamed  and  became “Armenian Press  Day”.

On  October 16, 1794,  “Azdarar”  was  published in Madras,  India,  by  Harutyun Shmavonyan.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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