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Opening  an auditorium  after  ASUE student-fighters,  visit  to “Mayr  Hayastan” military museum,  participation in premiere  of “The Power  of  Idea”  movie: these  are  the  latest  activities  of ASUE  “Njdeh” military  patriotic  club  created  by  ASUE  SC  initiative. The  club  which  aimed  to raise the level of students’  military  patriotic education, regularly organizes various events.

During the  2014-2015  academic year  the  club  has  already  visited “Mayr Hayastan” military  museum,  then participated  in a premiere  of “The Power  of  Idea”  movie,  taken  place  in Moscow  cinema,  where the  students  met the hero of  Artsakh,  Major-General, Arkadi  Ter Tadevosyan (Komandos).

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division the  Head of the  club,  the 2nd  year  student  of  the  Department of  Management,  Zaven Khukeyan, presented  the  club’s  future  plans.

“As  the university  education doesn’t  include “military training” course, the  club aims  to fill in students’ military knowledge.

In general  we  are inspired  the  ideas  of  politician  Njdeh  and  we  would  like  to convey that patriotism, noble attribute  of dedication to the nation, spirit and breath  of  Njdeh   to young  generation,  especially  students.  We  would  like  to  involve  our  University’s  patriot students in  activities  of  club. A  number  of  events  are  planned  to be  held: screening of  patriotic movies,  open lessons  conducted  by famous people in military field, lecturers  and  so  on.  We  have  a  lot  of  ideas  to  carry  out”; said  Zaven.

Note,  on September 12,  an auditorium  after  ASUE killed  student-fighters was opened   in the  University  by  initiative of  “Njdeh”  club:   the Minister of Defense, Seyran Ohanyan, attended  the  solemn  ceremony. The name of  the  club  is connected with the fact that  the 1st volunteer detachment  of  ASUE  students was also  named  “Njdeh”  during  Artsakh  war.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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