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On October 5, shooting tournament  was held  within the framework of Armenian 15th  student sport games,  which  was  attended  by Armenian 8 state  and  non-state  universities. Shooting tournament  was  held  for  the  first  time within  the  framework of  student sport  games.

Armenian State  University of  Economics won  in team battle: ASUE  members  won the  1st place  with 103  points. The  2nd was Armenian Medical Institute, the  3rd was Yerevan  State  University.

In addition to team competition, students measured the forces in individual struggle. A student  of  our University, Elmira  Karapetyan,  won the 1st place, and a  student  of Armenian Medical Institute  won in boy’s competition.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division the  acting Head of the  Chair  of Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense, Hovhannes  Gabrielyan, mentioned  that ASUE  students  were  the  best  ones.

“Considering  the fact  that this tournament  is  held  for the  first  time within  the  framework of student  sport  games, we  can say  that  our  University was  presented  excellent.  Our  athletes were  awarded  with  medals,  certificates, and  the  team with a   cup.  We  do  our  best  to act  successfully in future  competitions.  I  would  like  to  add  that our  shooters  will hand the  cup  to  ASUE  Rector, Koryun Atoyan, tomorrow”.

The  RA Ministry  of  Education and  Science, Student Sport Federation  of Armenia  and  Youth  Foundation of  Armenia  are  the organizers of Armenian student sport  games.

We  congratulate  our  students,  and  wish  them new achievements.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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