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Acting  Head  of  the Chair of   Commodity Research   and  Technology, Doctor  of   Technical   Sciences,  Professor,  Silva  Sahradyan  has recently  returned  from Cracow, Poland.  On September 15-19, she participated  in the 19th  symposium “Commodity  Science in Research  and  Practice Current  Achievements and Future Challenges”,  which  was  held at  the  Cracow  University  of  Economics,  which  was  attended  by delegations from  Japan, Korea, Germany, Italy,  Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria.

In the  interview  with  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division Silva  Sahradyan  mentioned that on January, 2014, during preparatory period  of  the  symposium  her  thesis  had  been  published in  “Commodity  Science in Research  and  Practice Current  Achievements and Future Challenges”  conference thesis collection, then the  article was  published  in “Future  Trends  and  Challenges of Food  Sector”  magazine  and after  it  the  scientist  got an invitation to  participate  in the  symposium.

On September 18, Silva  Sahradyan  presented  a report,  which  was  very interesting.  “My theme is distinguished by the fact that it was based on experimental work, however, most of the reports were of a theoretical nature”; she  told  and  added  that  the agenda  of  the  symposium was  full. “The  role   of this  symposium is a great in enhancing the sense of professional awareness. By the  way this conference was first organized in 1978 in Austria,  the  next  one  will  be  organized  in Bulgaria”; mentioned Silva  Sahradyan.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division

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