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ASUE  SC  has  organized unique  events  devoted  to Independence  Day  of the  Republic  of  Armenia. Over  100  students  of  Armenian State  University  of  Economics  met  sunshine  of  September  21 in “Yerablur” Pantheon.  At  midnight  the  students  laid  flowers  on the graves of  the fallen soldiers, then candle lighting and commemoration ceremony were  conducted, the holy clergy-led prayer was  sounded.

Events  devoted  to  Independence  Day continued  at  Armenian State University of  Economics: today, on September 22, Student  Councils  of  Departments of  Management  and  Accounting  and  Auditing  organized  flash mobs  during the  breaks.

Students were excited, there  was the great feeling  of  being Independence generation  in everyone’s eyes.

The  events  are  being held joint  with  Youth  Foundation  in Armenia  within the  framework of the 20th anniversary  of  ASUE  Student  Council.





ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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