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Today  was  the  last  day  of  a three-day-master class  conducted at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics by  Russian experts.    

Expert,  senior researcher at Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, candidate  of  technical sciences Igor Nikolaychuk  conducted  a  lecture  entitled “Modern Geopolitics of Transcaucasus: View from Russia”.  

The  meeting  was  attended  by the  staff  of  “AMBERD”  Research  Center  headed  by  Director  Samvel  Avetisyan, collaborators,  lecturers, students, PhDs.

Referring to  the  discussed  topic  the  speaker presented the characters of Russia and Transcaucasus to eastern countries.

Then he made  a  historical  reference to the Region  and  stopped on past  of  Armenia, recalled the  great  role  of cultural and political figures, scientists  in Armenia’s centuries-old history, raised those ideals  and  dreams,  which  the  Armenian nation  had petted  and implemented.

Igor Nikolaychuk  stressed  that the  Armenia Emblem presented  a  wonderful view, which  expressed geopolitical  great effect  by symbols.  The  speaker  stopped  on past  and  present  situation of geopolitical partnership between Russia and Armenia,  emphasized the important provisions of that partnership, due to  which  peace  will  be  in the Region.

After  the  end  of  the  lecture a  discussion was  held, the expert  answered the  questions  raised  by the  audience. At the  end  of  the meeting Director  of  “AMBERD”  Research Center,  Samvel  Avetisyan  expressed  gratitude  for  constructive  and  effective  cooperation.

P.S. Master classes  were  initiated by “AMBERD”  Research  Center, supported  by  Gorchakov Foundation for Public Diplomacy.




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