Dear ASUE members,
ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan congratulated Knowledge Day:
Dear students, first year ones,
Welcome to Armenian State University of Economics.
I congratulate You on Knowledge Day, for a high title of student, I wish You an effective learning process, memorable student life.
Dear students, Armenian State University of Economics starts a new academic year with a number of wonderful news: new approaches aimed at creating comfortable learning environment and improving the quality of education.
Dear first year students,
Your older friends, who have been admitted to our University, will ensure that You have been admitted to an University, where reforms are being implemented over a few years under “We are changing” slogan. I hope that after familiarizing the University, You’ll realize that You have made the right choice. Armenian State University of Economics is being repaired continuously: corresponding with current requirements of higher education institution. Various programs and projects are being implemented here: continuously new auditoriums are being reconstructed for effective learning process, the University is becoming more technically equipped, “AMBERD” Research Center is a wonderful opportunity and perspective for the students, interested in science and research work, obtainable conditions for students’ accommodation, University canteen, summer vocations are being created, various social projects are being implemented.
Our University pays great attention to our graduates’ career: practical steps in this direction we have undertaken: we have signed relevant contracts with a number of employers.
Dear students,
I am sure, You will pass memorable years of Your life in our University, therefore I call You to an open and constructive cooperation aimed at development of learning process at our University, improvement of quality of education, for the benefit of our beloved institution and Your better future.
University Administration is ready and willing to listen and discuss all the issues that concern You. I hope that due to our joint efforts we will increase both the quality of education and the environment, where we study, work and create.
I congratulate You once again and wish You an unforgettable University years.
ASUE Rector, Professor
Koryun Atoyan