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Armenian State  University  of  Economics  continues the admission  of part-time Bachelor’s  Degree   and   full-time ( the  second  stage)  and part-time Master’s  Degree studies  for  the 2014-2015  academic  year.

Executive Secretary  of  ASUE  Admission Committee,  Mary Badalyan,         informs  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  that  the  deadlines  for  submitting  documents are: full-time  Master’s  Degree-August 26,  part-time Bachelor’s  Degree-September 20, part-time Master’s  Degree-September  25.

More  information regarding  the   2nd  stage of   full-time Master’s  Degree  admission is  presented  here: .

The  announcement regarding application  form, list  of  specialties, allocated places, tuition fees,  and  examination of  part-time Bachelor’s  and Master’s  Degree  studies  is  presented  here

We  are  glad  to inform that the admission questionnaires are posted  in ASUE  official  websiteէջեր-220//առկա-եվ-հեռակա-մագիստրատուրայի-ընդունելության-շեմային-քննությունների-հարցաշարեր-2014-2015-ուս-տարի-1720. Days  of  exams  will be  available  later.

Documents are  submitted   in  ASUE  Admission Committee.

Address: 128 Nalbandyan str., 0025 Yerevan.

Tel.: 593-473.


ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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