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On  July 14-16, 2014, a workshop on University  autonomy, management strategies and management changes  was  conducted   in  Graz, Austria, within the  framework  of  EU  Tempus program “Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development of   State-of-the-art HE Management  System for Efficient Changes in Line with Bologna Principles  (GOVERN)”.  Armenian  State  University  of  Economics  was  represented in Graz  by Rector  Koryun Atoyan, Vice-rector  of Methodological  Matters, Paruir  Kalantaryan,  and leading  specialist   of  Quality Assurance Division,  Margarit Marukyan.

Coordinators of Tempus programs  at  ASUE informed  that the  workshop was attended by  representatives  of   more than two dozen local and foreign Universities, educational organizations.

Here  was  the  staff  of  Armenian delegation:  the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Education and Science, National Center  for  Professional  Education   Quality  Assurance Foundation,  Yerevan State Academy  of  Fine  Arts (project  coordinator), Yerevan State Medical  University, Yerevan State  Linguistic University  after V. Bryusov,  Armenian State Agrarian University, Vanadzor State Pedagogical  University,  Yerevan Northern  University,  Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction,    Gavar  State  University, American University  in Armenia,  Public Administration Academy of RA,   “Education Quality” Ltd, Employers' Union of Armenia,  Armenian National Students’ Association.

Foreign famous Universities  such as Bath Spa University, the Great Britain, University  of  Koblnz-Landau, German,  Leuven University, Belgium, as well  as other  European organizations  dealing  with  education  were  included  in the  program, the  activities  of  which  were  also  very  important  in the  context  of  developing consistent  system  of    autonomy and  Bologna  principles in Armenian Universities.

European partners  of  the project   presented their  experience  regarding  developing strategy,   financial management  and  management  of  changes.

During the  discussion  Armenian partners  presented the  current  status of implementation of the Bologna process in Armenian Universities  and  their  expectations  within the  framework  of  the project.

At  the  end of  the  workshop  future  actions of the  project  and  the  timeframes  were  presented.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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