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Job  Fair  was  held  today  at  ASUE  Yard,  which  was  organized  by  ASUE  Career  and  Marketing  Center  and  “State  Employment  Service”  Agency  of  the  RA  Ministry  of  Labor  and Social Affairs.  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan,  First Deputy Minister of theRA  Ministry  of  Labor  and  Social Affairs Arayik Petrossyan,  Head  of “State Employment Service” Agency  Artak Mangasaryan attended  Job Fair.

About sixty  companies:  commercial banks,  insurance companies, organizations representing various branches of the economy, attended  Job  Fair  and  presented their vacancies  for  ASUE graduates.

Dozen of employers  and   final  year  students  and  graduates gathered  together at  ASUE   Yard   for a  few  hours. It’s  already   second  year  that Job Fair  is  organized  at  ASUE.          

“Job Fair  is  the  platform where  the  employers  and  our  specialists  meet. Our  University  highlights University-employer, University-labor  market relationship,  and constantly we initiate new steps  to  contribute our  graduates career.  To  support  our  best  graduates to  find a  job   is an agenda  issue  for  us.   I would  like  to  remind  that  in the  context  of  University-employer relationship,  our  University has  signed a cooperation agreement  with the  RA  Ministry  of  Labor  and  Social Affairs  and  carries   out  Master  Degree Program. I  hope  that today’s initiative  will  also   serve  its  purpose  and  the  best  graduates will  find  their  employers”; said  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division Head  of “State Employment Service” Agency  Artak Mangasaryan mentioned  that many employers have found their employees through such fairs. The program has many years of experience, and its efficiency in its continuity.

“The most important thing for an employer to find a good specialist, and the       job seekers want to find good job:   here are  confortable  conditions for  both of  them. The  employer      has  a  chance to  find  an  employee according to  its requirements, moreover, has  a potential employee  at personnel database  and, if necessary, will be invited to work.  I  think  that at least 200  of  260  workplaces  will  be replenished  by graduates   in the  result  of  this  project”;  said  Artak Mangasaryan.

Many  employers  told  us  that they  look  through   all  applications  and the  best  ones  get appropriate  suggestions (internship  and  job). Chief specialist of Human Resource Management  Department  of  ABB   Closed Joint-Stock Company  Lilit  Ardukhanyan  mentioned that,  first of all, any employer’s dream was that its staff would be educated, motivated, honest.

“We realize, that graduates generally have less experience,  hence, first of  all, we  try  to  provide internship, during  which the  best  students  joint our  staff”;  mentioned  the  representative of  ABB. 

The  representative  of  “Ingo Armenia” insurance company  mentioned  that   the  employer  in addition to professional education highlighted  also  human qualities, communication skills.







ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division

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