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Ashot  Matevosyan, Dean of  the  Department  of  Accounting  and  Audit,  handed  gratitude  letters to  a  dozen of  students  for  participation in social activity, Student Council activities in the 2013-2014  academic  year.

Dean of  the  Department  expressed  gratitude  and  mentioned  that he  was    proud  of   seeing such active, energetic and talented students. Awarding the  gratitude  letters  the  Dean characterized the  addressee one  by  one.

Alvard  Sargsyan, Head of  the  Chair  of  Financial Accounting,  and  Sona Ghazaryan, Vice Dean, also  handed  gratitude  letters.

Ashot  Matevosyan  told  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division that  this  was  a way  to  encourage  students  for  their activities  and  assessment  for        their  initiatives.

The  gratitude  letters  were  signed  by  Ashot  Matevosyan  and    ASUE SC Chairman Sevak  Khachatryan.

We  congratulate  all students for getting  gratitude  letters.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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