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Today, the editorial group of 16 persons of the Chair  of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities  presented educational manual entitled “Organization of Entrepreneurial Activity” by general guidance and editing of Mikayel Melkumyan, Head of  the  Chair, Professor.

Koryun Atoyan, ASUE  Rector, Professor, Vice-Rectors  Gagik Vardanyan,  Paruir Kalantaryan,  staff  of  “AMBERD” Research Center, representatives of Faculty staff, collaborators, students, guests attended  the  presentation of new publication.

The  problems  of organization and management of entrepreneurial activities, state regulation of entrepreneurship, investments and investment activities, regulation of competitive relations, as well as business risks, security and efficiency  of  entrepreneurial activity  are  presented in the  manual, recommended for publication by ASUE Scientific Council.

The  editorial group is  sure that they have  managed  to combine the modern theoretical and methodological approaches to scientific  practical  analyzes.

Koryun Atoyan  heralded the entrance of the presentation, introducing new publication  and outlining that the Chair  of  Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities, headed  by Professor Melkumyan, had  conducted  serious  work.

Mikayel Melkumyan welcomed  the participants,  mentioned that it’s  already the 2nd edition by the Chair during the  last 3 years, which  had been recommended by ASUE Scientific Council. “It’s a result of  16 scientists’  and  colleagues’ joint  work and I would  like to mention that it’s  quite difficult  to present those works together”; mentioned  the Professor.

He expressed  gratitude to the University  Administration, personally Rector Koryun Atoyan,  for  creative atmosphere, financial investments for conducting research.

Co-authors  of the  manual  presented  their works, at  the  same  time making suggestions. The co-authors  are: Mikayel Melkumyan, Doctor in Economics, Professor,  Candidates in Economics, Associate Professors  A. Eghiazaryan, M. Harutyunyan, Z. Tumasyan, F.  Baharyan, A. Simonyan, H. Ghazaryan, Candidates in Economics, Assistant Professors  A. Kalantaryan, H. Gabrielyan, A. Avetisyan, A. Arakelyan, lecturers M. Avetisyan,  PhDs S. Parsyan and H. Hovakimyan, Applicant A. Antonyan.

Paruir Kalantaryan,  Vice-Rector,  Samvel Avetisyan, the Director of “AMBERD” Research Center,     Ararat Zakaryan, the  Head of the Chair of Marketing, Book Reviewer Professor , Ashot  Matevosyan, Dean of the Department of Accounting, Ashot  Tavadyan,   Head of the  Chair of Mathematical Methods in Economics, Professor and others congratulated for  the conducted  work and evaluated  it.

The  importance of   having manuals in native  language and  enriching professional literature  were  stressed.

Koryun Atoyan  concluded the presentation and noted  that presentation of  each book  was another   case  for the  University   to  be  proud of.

“As Rector, I would like  all  Chairs  to conduct similar work: it will  be the   best  gift for  both  University  and students”; said  Rector, thanked  the staff of  Chair and wished further success.

Koryun Atoyan mentioned  that  the  University would undertake steps   to take on the costs of manuals’  printing.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division

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