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“Open Class” with new  format was  conducted  at  the 1st year Master’s  Degree Program students  of the  Department of  Accounting  and  Audit today. Students  presented  reports on accounting standards  in English. Alvard Sargsdyan, the  Head of  the  Chair  of Financial  Accounting, Susanna  Chalabyan, the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Foreign Languages, Ruzanna Khostikyan  a  lecturer  of  the  same  Chair, Kristina Sargsyan, Senior Assistant   and  students  attended  the  class.

Nane Kocharyan  and Hayk Minasyan,  students of  Master’s  Degree Program, presented  reports entitled “International Financial Reporting Standards”  and “International Accounting Standards”.  The  speakers  answered  the students  questions  after reporting. Ruzanna  Khostikyan  supported  the  students  to  prepare their  reports  and to conduct open class.   The latter  informed  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division  that Susanna  Chalabyan, the  Head of  the  Chair, had initiated  such  format of conducting classes.     

“Conducting  English  classes   is  a  new  phenomena  for  us  and  we’ll  try  to  develop  it. The  students  have prepared their  reports with  great  enthusiasm. We  think  that the  initiative will  have  a  good result: developing students’ professional knowledge  and  ability to communicate in English  easily”;  stressed Ruzanna  Khostikyan.  

Alvard Sargsyan  mentioned  that many  of  ASUE  students  were good  at  both professional  subjects  and English.

“Leading  organizations now  highlight knowledge of foreign  languages,  especially English.  Hence, such  format  of  conducting  open classes  aimed  to promote students’  free  communication in  English. Such classes will  be  continued, similar open classes  will  be  conducted in coming  weeks”;  said  the  Head  of  the  Chair.

Susanna  Chalabyan  expressed  her  gratitude  for students’ excellent speeches, outlining  that clever  students were  studying at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics, who  were  able to express the  acquired  knowledge in English.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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