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The Vice-Rector  on Educational-Methodological  Matters  Paruir Kalantaryan  and the  representatives  of  the  SC  headed  by the  Chairman Sevak  Khachatryan  awarded scholarship certificates from Youth Foundation of Armenia  to  ASUE  students  at  ASUE  Big Hall  today.

Vice-Rector  Paruir  Kalantaryan congratulated the  students, mentioned  that both the  Foundation  and the  University Administration encouraged the students  with  high academic progress,  providing  tuition  discount.  The  Vice-Rector  expressed hope that  the  number  of  students receiving scholarship, tuition discount  and  pension  would  be  expanded.

The  Chairman of the  SC  Sevak  Khachatryan  congratulated the  students  and  announced  that the  scholarship  of Youth Foundation of Armenia  was for the students who’re  learning at State Universities, and did not receive rotation. Scholarship is 80.000 AMD,  which will be compensated from the  tuition fee.  110  students  from ASUE  (including Branches (Gyumri, Yeghegnadzor))  received scholarship. The Chairman said  that the  students  who  had  already paid the tuition fee for  this  semester, the Youth Foundation of Armenia  would compensate  it for  the  next year.

In the  interview with ASUE Media  and Public  Relations  Division the 1st year  student  of the  Department of  Finance Hermine Nurijanyan mentioned that  she  had high  academic progress  and the average quality rating  is 86.2.

“ I received scholarship from Youth Foundation of Armenia. I  want  to  outline  that this  initiative is important  for  us, as  it  encourages high  academic  progress  and  obliges  us  to  study  more. This is  another  case that  knowledge is  encouraged”; highlighted the  students.

The  Vice-Rector Paruir Kalantaryan  wished the  students  success  and expressed  hope that  the  number  of  boys  would  be increased  among those who studied well.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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