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The  members  of  the  Press  and  Media Commission of ASUE  Student  Council  participated in “Medicus EXPO -2014”  student exhibition-contest  organized  by Yerevan State  Medical University yesterday.  Note, that this contest  is held between different mass  and  communication media  and was  organized  by  the  initiative  of Medical  University.

Armenian 4 Universities: Yerevan State Medical University, Armenian State  University  of Economics, Yerevan State Linguistic  University, Yerevan State Conservatory,  participated in the  contest-exhibition.

ASUE  members  won in two nominations: “The Best Website  of  Student Government Body”  and “The  Best  Report Illustrating Media and Information Sector  of Student Government Body”.

The Chairman of Press  and  Media Commission of ASUE  Student  Council, the  Chief   Editor   of “Econom plus” magazine Hayk Bejanyan informed  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division about this,  and  mentioned that the  awards were expected,   it  increases the  responsibility  toward the work.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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